Thursday, May 1, 2008

Study one year in Italy

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The Italian language school Leonardo da Vinci offers Italian language courses of every tipe: from the standard one, to the Academic year and the Sabbatical year.

The Italian language school Leonardo da Vinci offers Italian language courses all year round. If you want to study Italian for a long period of time you can have a 9 months Italian language course (the Academic school year course) or a 12 months Italian course (Sabbatical year program). With the 9 months Academic school year in Italy you will have the opportunity to learn Italian language and steep in the Italian culture, while having a language and grammar course first, and general culture unit later. In this second part of the course you will attend lessons about: History of Italian Art Business Italian Italian Fashion Italian History and Civilization History of Design and Architecture Introduction to Italian Gastronomy Moreover you will have 80 lessons of preparation for the two Diploma «Firenze» AIL exams DILI (intermediate level) and DALI (advanced level). Starting dates for beginners: from 05 May 2008 to 12 December 2008; from 22 September 2008 to 22 May 2009; Duration: 32 weeks Lessons: 650 lessons of language, culture and exam Level: beginner and elementary levels Class size: min. 5 - max. 12 participants in each class Extras: Special accommodation prices The 12 months Italian course Sabbatical Year, instead, is fully focused on Italian language. This program has a length of 48 weeks and it's especially designed for students who want to spend a very long period in Italy and take a break from their everyday life. If you want to study Italian for 12 months in Italy we suggest you the Sabbatical Year program: you will have the chance to acquire a high proficient level of Italian language, while travelling to Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena, as programs are the same in each Leonardo da Vinci branch. Starting dates: every 2 weeks (except Siena: every monday) Duration: minimum 48 weeks Lessons: 4 per day, 20 per week Level: beginner and elementary level Extras: special long-term discount; study in different cities Do you want to have more information about these Italian language long term courses? Please visit: Sabbatical course - Italian course for 12 months Academic school year - Italian language course for 9 months

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